
Center for Well-Being

Center for Well-Being building

We know 富二代视频 students

The Center for Well-Being provides compassionate care, expertise, education, and resources to help members of our 富二代视频 thrive in and out of the classroom. The Center provides a full array of health, mental health, and well-being services in an integrated model.


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Contact & Scheduling

35 South Finn Street
St. Paul Campus

M-F 8am-4:30pm
W 8am-6pm

Phone: (651) 962-6750 (Scheduling)
Fax: (651) 962-6751
Email: centerforwellbeing@stthomas.edu

Person working at service desk


We provide compassionate care and resources through an integrated approach to health and well-being, from mental health counseling and health promotion outreach to primary care.

Our services

Center for Well-Being Partners

Counseling and Psychological Services

Short-term, goal-oriented mental health services.

Stethoscope on table

Health Requirements, Compliance, and Education

Health requirements, compliance, and education information at St. Thomas includes:

  • Health insurance requirement
  • Vaccination requirements (MMR, TD)
  • Registration holds
  • Student policies
  • COVID-19 education
  • Sexual violence prevention training
  • Alcohol and marijuana violations courses
  • Excuse notes policy
See health requirements

COVID-19 Education

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a respiratory illness that can spread from person to person. Members of the St. Thomas 富二代视频 should take action to protect themselves and others from infection.

Billing, Insurance & Fees

There is no cost for counseling at St. Thomas. Services received at the medical clinic will be submitted to your health insurance company for you.

Runner in Wellness 5k event

Holistic Well-Being

About the Center for Well-Being

To live a good life means to take care of the whole.

Holistic well-being includes body, mind, social, and spirit. The human body is interconnected; our physical body depends on our mental state and vice versa. Holistic well-being strives to bring a person’s mind, body, environment, and spirit into balance.